My 120 Best UD Moments: 

(in no particular order)

  1. Aaron’s Ghostrider to Windsor and "You Do Not Understand the Laws of My Land."

  2. Saunders getting kicked out of every building in Windsor

  3. The Snow Bar- Can’t walk a tenth of a mile to class, but can drive 20 miles for kegs

  4. The "Jimmy Ray Miller" Fiasco and the Emergency House on Obell- enough said

  5. Campus South 5E

  6. The 404 – the house of revolving roommates

  7. Seeing Swabbits and missing being tear gased at OSU

  8. Any night drinking w/ Mike Dickson- the best roommate ever

  9. Owen and Saunders coming every weekend Freshman yr

  10. TKE attic – now that’s a party house

  11. Joe’s Crab Shack Karaoke and the fake ID’s from all 50 states

  12. Cheetah Arrrr – no stop it now… MIR

  13. Pissing off Jordan by turning Mike’s sub up all the way

  14. Media passes for every Flyer game

  15. BOMBS

  16. Nick’s performance on his 21st B-day – good job buddy try make til 12 next time

  17. Marcus and Ben teaching Mike and I the Booty Call in the hallway

  18. King and Sas living next door

  19. Doug Stewart – great RA and one helluva partier

  20. UD Overtime – I have no business ever being in front of a camera ever again

  21. U R Dating- Pat v. Owen – off course I’m gonna win

  22. The game show I hosted with Michelle that was so bad it never made it to air

  23. 2002 Ghetto House of Year thanks to UD Cribs episode

  24. Katie Simon promising to have all 13 of my children – easy there Katie

  25. Katie Signs – aka K HART she still wants to marry me

  26. Stuart Snack Bar- Saturday morning shift, hung over every time

  27. Intramural Officiating – refereeing flag football for $6 an hour in 20 degree weather and getting bitched at- definitely not worth all the loot they were paying me

  28. Covering the NCAA tourney in Spokane – fuck Spokane never mind…Flyers tanked that one

  29. Daiquiris and Doughnuts and Homecoming 2000

  30. Marycrest breakfast on the weekends

  31. The Champ and the Killer

  32. Emily’s ER visit – courtesy of the 404 bar

  33. Lisa P saying she would do anything for a lai

  34. Red Scare’s Hawaiian Night @ the 404 – possibly our best party ever

  35. Any weekend the first month @ the 404 – party every night, lots of randoms

  36. The Derby – use sunscreen I promise it’s a good idea

  37. Daytona – what happens in Daytona, stays in Daytona..THALTY..shut up already

  38. Megan and Sarah – my UD little sisters and Sunday dinners

  39. Trev’s 21st B-Day @ the 404 and my 7 hr visit to the ER

  40. The Dirty Bear – classic dance

  41. Popham knowing EPP on campus

  42. DAMN U TREBEK!! and Christy’s b-day celebrations at the hotel in C-Falls and then at the Boot for her 21st!!

  43. Cabrewing and Summer 2002 @ UD – B Dubs on Tuesday nights

  44. Hello this Howard Stern WNNNNNNBC……

  45. The Crazy Old Woman talking about Sex on TV

  46. Whhaaaaaaats Happenin’???

  47. Erin and Katie always together Soph yr

  48. Dave Concert 2000 C-Bus – so drunk I could barely stand

  49. John Mayer Concert w/ Lisa P

  50. Stuart Hill sledding @ 3 am

  51. Q) What is w/ the stamps on your hands? A)We just went to go visit our Moms at work Q) Where do your Moms work? A) The Living Room, can we sleep here tonight?

  52. -WOW TOWNIES!!

  53. Roadies to Penn State and Ohio State...always a good time!!!

  54. FUUUUCK YOU!!!

  55. Picking Nick off the waiting list ‘cause Stuss has a hard-on for IU

  56. I can’t feel my teeth any more – That’s ‘cause your drunk Colleen

  57. I can’t drink I have a liver problem – I can tell its sure stopping you now, LUSH!!

  58. Colleen I’d like for you to meet….damn it stop making out w/ random high school guy

  59. There seems to be a theme in this house – thanks Dad I didn’t notice

  60. Man, don’t ever let Petey the dog back on our couch

  61. Ashley the three week roommate that I never saw

  62. Dana my Physics Lab partner.  I think every Friday @ 9am we were hung over, but at least I didn't have to get up to lift at 6am

  63. Accounting blocking studying w/ Sarah Worthington – I think we shot the shit more then we studied

  64. Q) Who do you know here? A) Mike Dickson –Your clueless get the fuck out

  65. Dave’s acquisition of the B-Dubs rug and the Captain

  66. 3 Meyer v. 5 Meyer War – they cooked shit in our microwave, I think they won

  67. Nick who is that? That’s DAAAAAANA

  68. Nate Pool and the Fog Dog

  69. Finding the stolen keg in the basement and drinking $50 in free beer on St. Patty’s Day

  70. Finding the stolen tiki torches only to have them broken in half 2 weeks later

  71. The 9 hole on Leslie’s B-day- I think I did an 18 hole.. one of the drunkest nights of my life

  72. Squirrels in the wall – I hope they died

  73. Stuss the Betty Crocker of the 404

  74. Microwave demolition night

  75. Lowes Fest – we can party whenever the fuck we want

  76. Fuck the Russian Sloots

  77. Almost getting Toph and Andrea thrown out of their apartment on the UK roadie for Toph's B-day

  78. Meeting Aftan randomly after she came to our house to compliment us on our tiki torches

  79. Laura’s 21st B-Day – Sober Pat the DD sucked…why did I give up alcohol for lent?

  80. Mumma’s visits and Sean’s pathetic attempt to drink like a college kid

  81. Quarters @ the Hills w/ Dave, Katie, and Molly – I think they took advantage of me

  82. The Hills w/ Donneta and sky diving that never happened

  83. Todd and Laurie paying for me to get into Tim’s by myself – Well from what I remember

  84. Father/Son Flip Cup on Parent’s Weekend and Katie’s Wild 21st @ Tim’s

  85. Jamie getting us busted for a curfew violation freshman yr

  86. George on Kiefaber and the 1st night in the ghetto

  87. Can ya help me with this here right quick?

  88. O.A.R. concert w/ Tommy in the 'Nati and getting my ID taken

  89. Mike trying to take on the whole baseball team after hearing something about his sister from the porch

  90. There are a lot of in-class points so you probably won’t have to sleep with me for a grade – My crazy economics prof. Barbara John to the class

  91. 9 am calculus class 4 days a week 1st semester freshman year – yeah that never happened again

  92. UD’s sucky wireless internet

  93. Mike watching Fast and Furious on his computer EVERY DAY!!

  94. Do not enter unless you have beer – you can’t steal it, its super-glued to the door

  95. The Heisman Trophy up in 5E

  96. King dancing with Dana’s mom – oh wow

  97. Mike bonging 151 – ooopppsss well at least mike’s upchuck reflexes are good

  98. Friday lunches w/ Emily

  99. My embarrassing picture – yeah u know the one…burn it

  100. Party Bowls of Everclear and Kool-aid

  101. Who ever told you Saki is good is a damned dirty liar

  102. Losing $100 Canadian in approximately 8 minutes @ the Blackjack table – Long Island Iced Tea @ the Casino Windsor bar was my best investment of the night

  103. Jeff's numerous money making schemes including us moving to Vegas and learning how to count cards

  104. "The Elaine Dance" - apparently the only public performance was at the 404 - thanks to kim, katie, and liz!!!

  105. Toph's numerous and immensely entertaining home movies and stories

  106. Getting left behind at Senior Salute

  107. Halloweens as Fat Pat the Referee and the color blind, fashion impaired golfer (smoke machine included)

  108. Prof. Fink, my eccentric accounting prof, posting a picture in his office of me passed out underneath my accounting book...still not sure why he did that

  109. The idiot guys who tried to steal the Captain after Beth and Chrissy's B-day party and the near ass beating they almost got when jeff saw them trying to return the Captain 'cause it was too damn heavy for them to carry

  110. Wendy's runs @ 3 AM

  111. Question to Emily: You guys actually call her little Katie?  A.) oh yeah  Q.) does she actually like you calling her that? A.) Sure, it helps when you hang out with three Katies to have a distinguishing feature.. definitely gonna miss partying w/ you too katie!!!

  112. Jackie and random IMs 

  113. The 404 Golf Championship - needless to say I wasn't at the top of the leader board

  114. Wallaby's and Wack Dad hooking us up - watch out for the on ramp

  115. Dave Concert in the 'Nati w/ the Bear, Christy, and Heather

  116. "Nothing Good Happens after 12 AM" -Trev

  117. Judging the freshman as they trek down to Tim's for the first time...herding is always a give away

  118. Keg Tossing @ 2AM, make sure there aren't cops watching you though....Where did Jeff go???

  119. Jeff convincing Nick and I to go to the John Mellencamp concert at the last minute and getting floors seats for $20

  120. D-A-Y-T-O-N-F-L-Y-E-R-S, DAYTON FLYERS...GO UD!!!