The hot girls: Angela, Jessica, and Sarah wishing me a happy bday haha
Cutter and Mike kicking ass in the 404 foosball
More hot girls Emily, Katie, and Lauren wishing me happy birthday
Emily gettin' friendly w/ the captain
Lauren and Matt drinkin and chillin @ the 404
Katie and Denman
Lil Katie doin' her thing being little and drinking
Leo's younger brother flashing peace
Me and the Champ
Yes Megan and Angela love me, especially MEGAN hehe :)
Killer pictured here w/ me had a rough night
Lil Katie actually likes to be called Lil Katie, I find this strange
Its the NERD and Angela
Mike, Laurie with Mel dressed festivly for the season
ha ha should i have any game, i have less than no game, its negative
Nice face Schroeder
The 404 party people
Chris and Dana
Toph's bar dive.........
....and then the crowd surf
Some of these pics were taken by the Champ, so we can thank her for doing a kick ass job