Andrea and Christy here for Dana's big 2-0
Great party w/ lots of people I didn't know and some that I met for the first time.  Overall it was another great 404 party and this night I didn't get hit and have to go to the ER so thats a bonus too
oh yeah it was a good night for them too!!
2 fine ladies workin' the bar, glad no one is drunk in this pic
thats trouble there
kelly schreier workin' the room
the birthday girl and the man whore
hey there donneta and jen
yeah and u didn't think this wasn't goin on the website,  YEAH RIGHT!!!
yeah and they call me the dork
The standard jeff pose for the camera
katie just chillin' w/ dana
Crazy katie simon once again returns to the 404 for another of out fiestas
Kelly called me a nerdo so i could say something mean  but i won't 'cause i'm cool like that
WOOOOHHOOO Laura and Sarah at the 404
yes i guess it was dressup night for all the amigos
hey hey whats up laurie and mark??
laurie and todd
Les and Molly stop by after another successful weekend scene
Lindsey and Monica on the bar its too bad this one didn't come out clearer
A couple of Dana's softball teammates, Monica and Lindsey
Popham and his lady friends sans Nicole??? hmmm.. HA HA j/k
Bruns holdin' the bar down
Donneta and Jen again WOOOOOOHHHHHOOOOOO