WELCOME BACK to the 404 for another semester
oh course i'm the one that looks like a dumb ass in this pic
The Finance Center friends chillin'
Erin taking a break from "capturing the fun" to dance w/ lauren
Hell yeah Jen, Andrea, and Christy stop by the 404
looking good laurie, lookin' good
freije feel free to take off ur hat and gloves
dave and his ladies
wave to the camera
we just chillin' sittin at the bar
Me and Emily after about 8 tries, i think this was the best one
To understand killer u have to understand where killer came from......
The Lake Catholic ladies...oh yeah and that girl from York ;)
ha ha...trouble just follows this crew where ever they go
this the dance em was telling me about, i guess she was really excited about it
damn girl get outta the way, ha ha..champ capture the fun
oh yeah they couldn't stay away from here any longer
playing for big $$ at the 404...i feel another money making scheme comin on
once again i look bad and screw up the pic w/ megan, eventually i will get it right